
When I was preparing for the Fat Quarterly Retreat I saw something on Flickr that made my heart do little summersaults: Hester.

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Hester was one of the swap items that Jo from Bearpaw was bringing to the retreat and I was totally smitten with her (that’s Hester not Jo, although Jo is very nice too). Don’t get me wrong, I loved the others embroideries Jo had made too but Hester made my heart flutter.

I told Jo about my love for Hester and she said that she might turn her and the other woodland creatures in the gang into a pattern. Fast forward to yesterday when I got a Tweet from Jo telling me that Hester was now a pattern and could be purchased here. Quick as a flash I bought the pattern (I love pdf) got Little Miss Bossy-Boots fed, watered and into bed and started stitching.


This is how far I got before I had to go to bed. I don’t have the same colours Jo used but I couldn’t wait and just rummaged through my fairly sparse box of embroidery floss. So far I’m really happy with it and am looking forward to this evening when I will hopefully finish her.

Do you like Jo’s Woodland Critters? Then go and check out this wonderful blog for a chance to win one of the patterns and some perle cotton.


PS I also bought the pattern for the Sampler Tree and already have something in mind for it. I do have to go and buy some embroidery floss first, though.

5 thoughts on “Hester

  1. What a lovely post Elisabeth! You are doing such a great job on Hester, I think I like yours better than mine! Thanks so much for ‘testing’ my new patterns!!

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