Stomp, Stomp, Chomp

I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to test another foundation paper piecing pattern designed by Juliet from Tartankiwi. This time it was a polka dot brontosaurus.


I used purple again as this is Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ favourite colour at the moment. There were a couple of nail-biting moments when I first realised that I didn’t have enough of the lighter purple colour I used for the legs and then thought I was going to run out of lilac polka dots before finishing the brontosauruses ample bottom. The first predicament was solved by piecing together two smaller pieces thus adding another seam in the foot. To be honest, I don’t think anyone would notice if I hadn’t mentioned it so I don’t mind at all. I’m just grateful I didn’t have to start again. In the end I had just enough polka dot fabric as I found another small piece hiding under a few bits of blue which I could use for part of the tail. Note to self: Make sure you have more fabric than you think you need!

Now I need to turn it into a cushion cover and add it to the mountain of cushions that are already making our life on the sofa far too comfortable. Not today, though, as Little Miss Bossy-Boots had a rough night with two night terrors and my eyes are drooping as I write these words.

I will let you know as soon as Juliet has added the pattern to her Craftsy shop.

Edited to add: You can find the pattern here.

1 thought on “Stomp, Stomp, Chomp

  1. Love that Dinosaur! I am looking forward to buy the pattern. Even if I am not so very keen about Paper Piecing ;o) Hard nights over here as well. The youngest caught the stomach flu from the elder monster…

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