An Old Favourite

I have this jumper. It’s my favourite. It’s ripped.

It’s not a big rip but as it’s at the front I felt that I couldn’t just sew it together and leave it at that. It would be too obvious. The solution was to make some fabric flowers, add some buttons and thus save my favourite jumper.

I went with blue flowers because I usually wear this jumper with my favourite jeans.

There are so many great tutorials for these flowers I thought I wouldn’t add another one. A quick search for fabric flowers and rolled fabric roses revealed lots of possibilities. I used Tea Rose Home’s tutorial for the five-petaled flower and My Sparkle’s how-to for the rolled roses. The fluffy one with the button centre was made from the selvedge of a Kona solid which I simply gathered to a circle and attached to the jumper with a blue button.

I’m wearing my jumper as I’m writing this post and I keep looking down as I’m so pleased with the result. Sad, I know….


1 thought on “An Old Favourite

  1. That is such a good idea! It looks so good, like you bought it that way! I have a stripy top that has a moth hole in the shoulder and I’ve been debating on how I can cover it up…

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