A Conundrum

As reported earlier the hexagons have taken over. It’s quite funny as I only wanted a small project until the fabric for my English paper pieced octagons arrived. Well, it has but I’m so in love with my hexies that I can’t stop right now.

The side of each hexagon is 2 cm long (about 3/4″) and I’ve only used scraps from my scrap bin. However, I’m not quite sure how to sew them together. I’ve auditioned a few ideas and I think I know now where this project is heading.

First, the flower option.

Second, the rainbow.

Last but not least, the stripes (in rainbow colours).

Right now I like the last option best. My problem is that I haven’t got enough yellows, oranges and reds. Especially the reds are a problem and I might have to actually go and buy some fabric before I can finish this project.

What do you think? Flowers, rainbows or stripes? Or maybe something altogether different? Help!

The weather has been so beautiful here in Cambridgeshire that we had to come in from the garden this afternoon. It was too hot! I hope you have lovely weather wherever you are in the world.

3 thoughts on “A Conundrum

  1. Yup, I’m with you, the last option looks the best. I’m tempted to give hexies a go one of these days its seems like a great wee portable project BUT everyone I know who starts on them becomes addicted (ha ha!)

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