Fat quarterly Retreat 2012 – Part 3

Welcome to the third and last part of my Fat Quarterly Sewing Retreat recap. Can I just mention (again) how much I enjoyed it?

Sunday morning I took my time to get to the Baden-Powell House simply because I hadn’t slept well the night before. I got there long before my first class, though, which was the Designer Challenge. Katy and John sat us down and made us draw various blocks using shapes like squares and triangles before asking us to draw a star block. My star looked a bit like one of these starfish with the long arms and less like a star. As John and Katy kept our drawings I took a quick picture of it so that I could try and actually sew the block. I’ve done the maths and have the fabric ready but need to wait until half-term is over and I have some time to sit at my sewing machine. It was great to just sit down and think about shapes and what you can do with them. At first I felt a bit overwhelmed but after a while I felt very inspired and this process is still going on.

After the Designer Challenge I grabbed my trusty Wernina again to learn how to make portholes in Lucie Summers’ class. Lucie’s Portholes Quilt is breathtaking and I’m sorry to say that I didn’t manage to take a nice picture of it.

The picture of her lovely star quilt which uses the same technique isn’t much better either.

The class was great fun and I loved working both on the circles and the heart.

I felt very sad at the end of my last class as it meant that it was soon time to go home. First, however, it was time for the Ironman show and tell. Our quilt didn’t win but I was very happy that we actually finished it. Ours is the yellow and orange one on the right:

I seem to have missed taking a picture of the winning quilt which absolutely deserved to win. It was lovely with granny squares and a cute border. If you’re interested in seeing more and better pictures of the whole weekend pop over to the FlickR group and then make sure you come to the next retreat. You’re worth it!

A big thank you goes out to the fabulous Fat Quarterly team and all the teachers. You made this weekend truly wonderful! The other big thank you goes to all the lovely people who made their way to London and made me feel part of the community. I loved meeting all you peeps and I love that my reader is now so full of new and creative blogs. See you next year!

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