Lets Finish This

I have numerous WIPs (works in progress) I would like to finish before I start on something new. So what better way to get me to actually deal with them than the Finish-A-Long organised by Leanne from “She Can Quilt“? Most of them were on my list of UFOs and WIPs last year and although I finished a couple the others are still there in bits and pieces.

So what am I going to put in this first Quarter’s Finish-A-Long?

she can quilt


1. My Flying Geese Cushion. This was started at the Fat Quarterly Retreat 2012. I finished one quarter of it but the rest is still in pieces. I enjoyed the paper piecing although I at times felt like my head was going to explode from all the concentrating. I love the colours, the geese are all from Kate Spain’s line Good Fortune, the green is a solid I got from a friend.

Double Flying Geese

2. Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ Log Cabin Quilt. She loves the flannel quilt I gave her for Christmas and it’s in use every day but she really wants a pink one and the log cabins have quite a bit of pink in them. They are quite fun to make although I do feel at times that they were a bit too busy. I might combine them with some big solid squares to calm the whole quilt down.

Pink Log Cabins

3. The Heart Hexagon Cushion. This was started as a fundraiser for our local cancer treatment centre and I feel really bad that I haven’t finished it. They don’t know I’m making it so it’s not like I have any pressure from them but I still would like to get it done so that I can start selling raffle tickets. Due to my guilty conscience I think I might make something else in addition but that won’t be on this list as I haven’t started it yet!

Heart Hexagon

You might have noticed that I started quilting around the heart. Sadly, I didn’t like it and unpicked it again. I’m still wondering how to quilt it which is a real shame as I know that I could finish this cushion very quickly if only I got a move on.

4. A Sewing Kit for my sister. I can’t show you any pictures as she reads this blog and I want it to be a surprise. It’s been sitting on my sewing table for a while now. I’ve cut out the pieces but just need some uninterrupted sewing time to finish it. Now that school has started again I’m hoping to get exactly that.

5. Turn this trial block into something. Another cushion? How many cushions do I need? Any suggestions? Or even any takers?

Spin me round

There we go. That’s quite a lot to get on with and I’m not sure if I can do it but I’ll try my hardest to get all of the above projects finished before the end of Q1.

5 thoughts on “Lets Finish This

  1. Your list is one that you could complete in the next three months so go for it. Why not quilt the hexagons by straight line quilting through the hexagons? It might work. Di x

  2. What a lovely list! I really want to make a heart this year but my list is very long already. I would either echo quilt it in a heart, or a diagonal cross hatch through the middle of the hexagons or maybe a concentric circle slightly off centre but starting in the heart (heart beats?). It will be lovely. And you cannot possibly have too many pillows, you could rotate them or give them for presents.

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