Finish-Along Q4: The List

Right, I completely missed out on Q3 as I was busy with my Emerald Tiles cushions (more about those in the next blog post). So now I’m taking the opportunity to get back on the wagon.

1. Spring Carnival. In reality I’m only putting that on the list because I can. I don’t believe for one second that I will finish it in the next three months. However, I don’t want to forget about it and it would be nice to add a little to it again.

Spring Carnival Progress

2. Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ Dresden Quilt. I made the cushion and then stopped working on it. Since then she has decided that she doesn’t want purple but blue so Im going to make it multi-coloured to be on the safe side.


3. My Sew-Euro-Bee-An quilt. I’ve sewn one row together and then stopped. It would be nice to be able to snuggle under it this winter.

Sew-Euro-Bee-An blocks

4. The Tartankiwi Dinosaur. Just needs to be made into something. Anything.Brontosaurus

5. Athea Bloom. Has been on the list all year and still isn’t any closer to being done.

Athea Spring Version and Bloom

6. The Tartankiwi Robin. Really needs to be made into a Christmas cushion to be enjoyed this year.

Close up Robin

7. Art Deco. Still in the WIP pile.

Art Deco

8. A bag to replace this handy little beauty which, sadly, is now very faded and frayed. I have all the fabrics ready and cut out; I just need to sew it together.

Boho Bag

9. The Euro Siblings Together Quilt. I need to make one more block as one of the ladies didn’t deliver and then sew it together, quilt and bind so I can bring it to London next year.

Euro Siblings Together

10. Positive Doughnut. I need to make the decision whether it’s going to be a quilt or a cushion.

Positive Doughnut


I have a few more WIPs and UFOs lying about but I think I’m going to be hard pressed with just these so it seems silly to add even more. Especially as I have a secret project that has to be finished by the end of November. I won’t put it on the list as I know that I will finish it. With a list that has five or six quilts on it already I think I have my work cut out.

Linking up to The Littlest Thistle Finish-Along 2014.


Finish Along 2014

Blogger’s Quilt Festival: Small

After finding the time and gumption to enter Jewel into the Blogger’s Quilt Festival I’ve decided to go for it and enter another quilt: The Heron Log Cabin.

This quilt was made to showcase the Heron print from Across the Pond by Cloud 9. I fell in love with this print but only bought a fat quarter. I have no idea what I was thinking but hey ho it’s nice to surprise yourself sometimes. Anyway, I decided to make a quilt that would be all about this print. Around about the same time I bought a Kona brights jelly roll and when I opened it to take all the purples out to use as binding I realised that the blues and oranges went really well with the Heron print. The idea to make a large log cabin quilt was born.

Heron Log Cabin Centre

I cut a centre panel from the fat quarter and then cut 2 1/2″ strips from the Heron print making sure the Herons were going up and down and across. Then I started sewing the jelly roll strips on. From time to time I would insert a Heron to break up the solids and use more of the fabric.

Heron Log CabinIn the end I only used the oranges, pinks, reds, blues and greens from the jelly roll. I wasn’t sure how to quilt it so I asked for advice on Instagram and Krista from Poppyprint sent me a picture of how she would quilt it. It’s basically like chevrons going towards the centre. I think it gives the quilt a wonderful modern look.

Heron Log Cabin

The quilt was pieced with Aurifil 50wt in 2600 and quilted in the fabulous variegated Aurifil 40wt that I seem to use on all my quilts lately, number 4654. It finishes at 46″ x 57″ and is perfect for snuggling on the sofa. It’s backed in the Ikea Britten Numbers and bound with Windmarks Mirage from Tule by Leah Duncan for Art Gallery Fabrics.

Heron Log Cabin

Please take the time to go and browse all the other fantastic entries to the Blogger’s Quilt Festival. I’m sure you will find lots of great inspiration. All you have to do is click on the link below.

By the way, this quilt was on my FAL and I’m happy to say that it means I have finished two of eleven WIPs. I’d better get a move on!

Finish Along Q2

It’s time to get making the list again. This time, I’m sure, it won’t be quite as long as in Q1 but there are still more than enough projects to keep me busy.

1. Athea Bloom is the one on the right. I’ve already decided that it will become a medallion quilt, so I need to make some borders….

Athea Spring Version and Bloom2. My Sew-Euro-Bee-An quilt. I need to turn the blocks into a top, baste, quilt and bind it.

Sew-Euro-Bee-an3. The Heron Log Cabin quilt. First of all it needs a better name, then it needs to be basted, quilted and bound.

Heron Log Cabin4. The Portholes. They’ve been a WIP for the last two years and really need to be dealt with now.


5. The Robin. I realise Christmas is still eight months away but you know how quickly time flies when you’re having fun?!

Close up Robin6. Art Deco. I have a magazine rack with a black handle and this EPP block will be used for the sides which at the moment are a very tatty black vinyl.

Art Deco7. Good Fortune. This one is already basted and marked, ready for quilting.

Good Fortune8. Spring Carnival. This is going to be put at the top of my list now as I really want to have it finished for FQR London.

Spring Carnival Progress9. Scrappy Trip Around the World. I’m still thinking that it should become a quilt rather than a cushion. I’m thinking a picnic quilt would be nice. It also means I could get away with ‘only’ making another 12 blocks.

Scrappy Trip


I thought this was going to be it but now I realise I have another two projects I need to put on the list.

10. The Brontosaurus. Another pattern I tested for Juliet and that I was sure I was going to turn into a cushion straightaway. No WIPs , I thought, and failed. It’s still sitting there waiting.

Brontosaurus11. The Euro Siblings Together quilt. I’m still waiting on two blocks but once they’ve arrived I can finish it and get it ready to bring to London in July.

Euro Siblings TogetherLinking up to Finish Along 2014 over at The Littlest Thistle.

Finish Along 2014












It was the end of March yesterday which also means the end of Q1 of the Finish-Along hosted by Katy of The Littlest Thistle. You may remember -as I have been harping on about it- that I put fifteen projects on my FAL list and I’m happy to report that I finished six of them.

1. Athea Spring was turned into a finished cushion. It sits on my sofa and makes me happy every time I look at it.

Athea Spring

2. The DQS 14 mini, Liberty Bloom, was finished and sent all the way to Canada.

Liberty Bloom

3. In the Woods was turned into a sewing machine cover.

Sewing Machine Cover4. The Triceratops was sewn and turned into a cushion for Little Miss Bossy-Boots. This was a truly fun pattern to test and you can find it in Juliet’s shop.

Triceratops Cushion5. A Dashing Echo was quilted and bound and now resides on my bed where Charlie my cat and I fight about it. Even though the quilt isn’t bound in the picture below I picked it because I wanted to show you how much Charlie loves it.

Charlie asleep

6. Liberty Butterfly was turned into a cute little cushion.



I’m rather happy with how much I’ve achieved. The other projects will end up on Q2 of the Finish-Along, I’m sure. I’m very pleased to report that I haven’t actually started any new WIPs. Everything I’ve started in the last three months I’ve finished. Long may it continue!

Finish Along 2014

Athea Spring

I have been on a steady course to finish WIPs since confessing to them all on my FAL 2014 list. Now, you may remember that I was rather overambitious when I put fifteen (!) projects on there but I thought it would be better to have a big range of projects so that I could pick and choose what I wanted to work on. It’s worked rather well as this is project number five that I’ve finished and number six is being worked on as you read this post.

Athea SpringAthea Spring, as I call this cushion, was made using the first templates I made available on my blog. They are drawn by hand and you can find them here. I made three different versions of this pattern and I love them all. They look so different depending on the fabrics you choose.

Réalt Glas, Spring and BossomRéalt Glas is on my wall of minis in my sewing room, Spring is a cushion on my sofa and Bloom is destined to become the centre of a medallion quilt (but that won’t be done before Q2 of the FAL, I’m sure).

Right, back to my cushion. I quilted it in a spiral in the most gorgeous variegated Aurifil 40wt (no. 4654) which is a perfect match to the green solids in the centre. My spiral is pretty wobbly and there are a few jumps but all in all I love it. I did learn the hard way, though, that I should have gone the other way. Ah, you live and learn. This will definitely not be the last time I’m quilting in a spiral.

The back of the cushion is a shirt of my Dad’s which I kept after he died almost three years ago. I wanted to make a cushion or quilt for Little Miss Bossy-Boots to remember him by. However, when I saw how well it matched Athea Spring I decided to use it for this. I still have the back and sleeves of the shirt for a different project.

Baba's ShirtThis was the quickest cushion back in the history of cushion backs and I wish I had kept a few more of his shirts.

I’ll be back tomorrow with an update on the EPP mini for Karie and, if you’re reading this Andrea, a tutorial for my Modern Churn Dash quilt at the beginning of next week.



Finish-A-Long 2014 Q1

I was fairly successful finishing WIPs (works in progress), PHDs (projects half done) and UFOs (Unfinished Objects) when I joined the Finish-A-Long hosted by Leanne last year. I did miss Q4 as that was just around my move to Switzerland and I found it difficult to find the time to blog and sew. Hence, I have a whole pile of WIPs, UFOs and PHDs calling my name.

This year the FAL is hosted by the lovely Katy of The Littlest Thistle and I’ve decided to join in again. Now this list is probably going to make you chuckle as it is incredibly long but I’m aiming high. Whatever isn’t finished by the end of Q1 will simply roll over to Q2. No stress. Right, here goes:

1. Athea. Two blocks that I have had on the list a couple of times already. One is destined to be the centre for a medallion quilt, the other one is going to become a cushion.

Athea Spring Version and Bloom

2. The DQS 14 mini quilt. I’m still waiting for some more Liberty which is winging its way from England as we speak.

DQS 14 Mini

3. In the Woods. I have no idea what to turn it into. I was going to use it as the pocket for a tote but I have so many bags already that I have to have a little ponder before I decide.

In the Woods Finished

4. Triceratops. I’m pattern testing for Juliet again and I want to make sure I don’t end up with another orphan block. This one will be turned into a cushion, I think.

Fabric for Triceratops

5. Robin. This little bird was supposed to be turned into a cushion before Christmas but ended up on the heap of WIPs due to lack of time.

Close up Robin

6. Scrappy Trip Around the World. When the impromptu quilt-along started last year I made four blocks before stopping. I love them and am thinking of starting again and turning them into a lap size quilt.

Scrappy Trip

7. Art Deco. This Epp block isn’t big and I made it without any plan whatsoever. Not sure what to do with. Answers on a postcard, please!

Art Deco

8. A Dashing Echo. I’ve quilted in the ditch and then got the scared. I really want to free motion quilt it but am not sure how. It’s been sitting on my table for a few weeks now and I really want to finish it.

A Dashing Echo

9. The Log Cabin. This quilt is for me. It’s going to sit on my sofa even though I really don’t need it. Our flat is too hot anyway as our neighbours below turn up their heating big time and thus heat our flat as well as their own. The quilt will give a lovely burst of colour that will go well with my yellow chair, though. It needs to be basted, quilted and bound.

Heron Log Cabin

10. The bag. It’s been a year and there isn’t a lot left to do but somehow it wasn’t something I wanted to work on.

The Bag

11. Liberty Butterfly. This one was started because I wanted to use up the tiny scraps left over from the DQS14 mini. Again, I don’t want this to end up as an orphan block lying about. Little Miss Bossy-Boots asked if she could have it and I’d be happy to give it to her. However, she already has lots of cushions on her bed and I don’t know what else to turn it into. A bag maybe?

Liberty Butterfly

12. Portholes. These were made at the Fat Quarterly Retreat in 2012 and I feel bad that I haven’t turned them into something.

Pink Porthole

13. Spring Carnival. This is a project I’d really like to finish for this year’s FQR.

Spring Carnival Progress

14. Sew-Euro-Bee-an quilt. I asked for blocks made in blue and turquoise and have received some fabulous blocks from my fellow bees. Sadly, I never received blocks from two of the bees so I will have to make a few more myself to turn this into a good size quilt. This will then have to be pieced, basted, quilted and bound.


15. Good Fortune by Kate Spain. It was supposed to be a cushion cover. Maybe one day it will?

Good Fortune

Fairly ambitious list, n’est-ce pas? I’ll see how far I get.

The List: FAL Q3

I’m joining in with the Finish-A-Long, hosted by Leanne of She Can Quilt, again. What can I say? I didn’t finish a single thing on my FAL Q2 list. No, not one; although I have made some progress on Master’s bag and Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ quilt. My FAL Q3 will therefore look much like Q2.

1. Master’s Bag

Master's BagThis just needs the flap and handle attached. I’ve promised Master to finish it this week so I really need to find an hour or so to sit down at the machine.

2. Little Miss Bossy-Boots log cabin quilt.

Pink Log CabinsI’ve got the quilt top finished but am debating adding a border to make it a little bit bigger. As I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, decisions aren’t my forte. Missy likes it the way it is, so I might just go with it and keep it at 48″ x 48″.

3. Athea Spring Version and Bloom

Athea Spring Version and BloomStill not sure what to turn them into, so I’m going to think about it a little longer.

4. In the Woods

In the Woods Finished

I’ve taken the papers out and given it a good press. So now I need to decide what to turn it into.

5. Spring Carnival

Spring Carnival Progress

No progress at all. However, I’m going to bring it to FQR as I need help with deciding how to continue. I really want to make it bigger but have now run out of the stripy fabric fabric I used for the centre. Hopefully I will be able to finish it after FQR.

6. The Siblings Together Quilt

Siblings Together QuiltI need to baste, quilt and bind it before next Friday so I can hand it over at the Fat Quarterly Retreat.

This list is ridiculously long and very ambitious, especially considering that I’m moving to Switzerland in August. Never mind, I’ll try my best to at least finish a couple of things.





FAL – 2nd Quarter

It’s that time again, the time to fess up and bring out all the WIP’s to link to Leanne of She Can Quilt‘s Finish-A-Long list. My list for the first quarter was filled with small things like a sewing kit and some cushions which I managed to finish and one quilt which I didn’t even get out of the drawer it’s been banished to. So, as you can imagine it’s going on this quarter’s list. Right, here’s my list for this quarter:

1. Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ log cabin quilt.

Pink Log CabinsI’ve got four log cabins so far and will have to make at least another sixteen, I think. I’m not sure I have enough fabric so I might have to be a little creative and add some sashing to make the quilt big enough.

2. The Spring Carnival quilt. This is quite ambitious but I really want to bring it to the Fat Quarterly Retreat in July.

Spring Carnival ProgressMy biggest problem here is that I’m fast running out of the stripy fabric I’m using for the ‘background’. I believe I have enough for two more columns, then I have to decide whether to keep it that size or choose a different fabric and add a frame around the stripes.

3. Master’s Bag

Master's Bag

I promised to make this bag last year (hangs her head in shame) and only started a very short while ago.  I know it won’t take too long to make, I just need some uninterrupted sewing time which isn’t easy with Little Miss Bossy-Boots on holiday.

4. The Spring Version and Blossom panels.

Réalt Glas, Spring and BossomI’m not sure what to make with those two. I was wondering if I should turn one of them into a small quilt for the couch by adding a few borders and maybe making a bag with the other. Or maybe another cushion? Watch this space as I’m not sure yet what to do.

5. In The Woods

In the Woods FinishedTote pocket or doll blanket? The jury’s still out.

I think I’m going to stop here as I’d really like to finish everything on the list and there’s more than enough on there to keep me busy. Also, I know myself well enough that I’m sure I will start many new projects.





Finish-A-Long: My Finishes

This Finish-A-Long, hosted by the lovely Leanne of She Can Quilt, has really helped me finish some WIPs that had been lying around for quite a while. My list contained five projects and I finished four; not bad going for me. Of course, the one project I didn’t finish was the biggest one, Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ log cabin quilt. I’m going to put it on the list for the next quarter and make sure I start with it.

I was really happy to finish my Hexagon Heart which I started in April and was destined to raise funds for my local cancer treatment centre.

Hexie Heart Cushion

The second finish was my Double Circle of Flying Geese, or Skein of Geese as I called it which I started at the Fat Quarterly Retreat in July. Once I got home I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t be able to remember how to foundation paper piece so I put all the bits and pieces in a drawer. Once I got everything out and got started I realised that not only did I remember how to do it, I also thoroughly enjoyed the process. It’s now sitting on my sofa being used every day.

Double Circle of Flying Geese

Two of my finishes ended up in my sister’s house: the sewing kit I made for her and the ‘Spin Me Around’ cushion.

Kris's Things

I realise that I only finished a few small things but I’m so grateful to FAL because without it I probably only would have finished the sewing kit and started a lot more new projects.


Sewing Kit

My sister asked me quite a while ago whether I would make her a sewing kit similar to the one I had made Rebecca. The biggest change she wanted was a space for a crochet hook or two. Well, I changed quite a few things because Rebecca’s sewing kit was made specifically for a student who needs to be able to fix hems, sew on buttons etc. My sister’s was made with a crocheter in mind. I’m not sure if I got it right but at least it looks cute!

Kristine's Sewing KitI added a handle because I thought it would be easier to move from place to place, especially while holding a project. Furthermore, I turned the pockets around so that I didn’t need to put a flap over the crochet hooks to keep them from falling out.

Kristine's Sewing KitThere’s a big pocket for a tape measure and some thread (or a chocolate bar?), a linen square for needles and a small detachable pincushion on one side. On the other side there’s room for some scissors and four crochet hooks.

Detachable PincushionThe little pincushion is my favourite part, I think.

Crochet Hooks and ScissorsBecause the scissors kept sliding out I added a little tab that closes with a popper. There’s nothing worse than losing your scissors.

The sewing kit is on its way to Switzerland right now. I really hope my sister likes it and that it comes in handy whenever she’s working on a project.

I’m linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts’ Finish it up Friday and ticking another item of my FAL list.