Treasure Thursday

This week’s treasure is a cat.

Tania's Cat

My aunt Tania, who gave me my sewing machine, was a cat lover. She had real cats which she spoilt rotten and she had a cat collection. It was easy to get her birthday or Christmas gifts, all you had to do is get an unusual little cat. When she died I asked if I could pick out one cat from her collection to keep as a memento and the cat above was the one that spoke to me the most.

Tania's Cat

Just look at that little face. Who could resist? I have no idea where it’s from of who gave it to her which is a shame but with more than 1000 cats in all sorts of materials it would have been impossible to remember every one of them.

This little cat is about three inches high and lives on our bookshelf behind glass doors and I make sure that Little Miss Bossy-Boots doesn’t play with it. Today, however, I took it outside to take pictures and she (the cat, not the Miss) thoroughly enjoyed herself, even trying to hide behind some frozen moss.

Tania's Cat

You can see she’s not really used to playing hide and seek; I found her within seconds.

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