Treasure Thursday

Every Thursday I pick one of my ‘treasures’ and tell you a little bit about it. This week I’ve chosen a wall hanging which I bought for the stairwell when we moved into our house.

Wall hanging

I found it in a small shop called Ethnic Origins in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire. Apparently it’s made from old torn or stained saris and the embroideries and beading are absolutely exquisite. I’m sorry that the pictures don’t really do the wall hanging justice.


The flowers on this arch are my favourite part.


The details are amazing. I can only imagine how beautiful the women wearing these saris looked. One of the reasons I love this wall hanging so much is the fact that it’s recycling at its best. It would have been an absolute disgrace to throw these wonderful fabrics in the bin, don’t you think?

When I first got it I didn’t know which way to hang it up as there was no hanging sleeve. In the end I decided that one way looked like a river running under some bridges and arches.

Being fairly new to quilting I really hope that I will be able to make something as beautiful and improvisational as this wall hanging one day.