
I thought I’d show you how far I’ve gotten with my Spring Carnival quilt. Sorry about the dodgy picture. The weather here has been quite depressing and I took this picture last night with my phone.

I took a little break from hand sewing to start a quick knitting project but have gone back to it now as my elbow and wrist don’t like me knitting for too long. Getting old, I believe. I will show you what I’m knitting once it’s finished and has been gifted to a certain lovely lady.

When I first started sewing the plan was to make a cushion in pink and aqua. Then I added a couple more colours and decided to make it into a lap sized quilt. Now, I’ve my mind set to go for as long as I have any of the black and white ticking left. If I’m lucky I might be able to turn this into a quilt big enough for a single bed.

My biggest problem, however, was to find enough scraps in my scrap bin for all the wheels. As I haven’t been quilting for very long, I don’t have a huge scrap bin but I needn’t have worried. First, an envelope full of scraps arrived from Helen and then, a little while ago, another one from Dianne.

The quilting community is just the best and I’m so glad I’ve met these lovely and very generous ladies.