
Hurrah! I found my camera! This has made me incredibly happy as I feel a little bit lost without it. With most of our family and friends being in Switzerland, Ireland and Norway (with a bit of Denmark and America thrown in) I like to think of the pictures we take as the best way to keep a close connexion with them.

Other things that make me really happy are

– hugs and kisses from Little Miss Bossy-Boots

– watching Master and Little Miss Bossy-Boots playing robots or tickle monster

– spring sunshine

– sitting on my bench in the garden with a cup of tea

– listening to two (or more) little girls playing in the sand pit

– seeing Aron’s smiling face when he’s running around in the woods. Aron, by the way, is our dog.

– being greeted by our two cats in the morning

– finding a beautiful stone

– singing and dancing very badly while doing the housework

– my seedlings

This is a lupin, my all time favourite flower. I believe this one is pink (yep, I ‘stole’ some seeds from my lovely neighbour’s plant). For years I have been dreaming of owning a red lupin but I always seem to miss them at the garden centre. Maybe this year will be THE year…. Hint, hint.

This is a beautiful bright pink hollyhock. Little Miss Bossy-Boots chose these seeds. I’m not sure if they are particularly difficult to get to germinate or not but I planted 12 seeds and this is the only seedling that grew. Maybe it’s just me.

There’s so much more but I’ll leave it at that for now. You might get very, very bored if I continue.

What makes you happy?

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