Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! May 2013 be a good year for you. To be honest, I’m rather glad 2012 is over as it hasn’t been a great year for me, not catastrophic but just not great.

Not everything has been ‘blah’, though, there have been some highlights too. Our holiday in Ireland in April, the Fat Quarterly Retreat in June, our holiday in Denmark and, of course, my trips home to Switzerland. I also have to add to this list my first bee, Sew-Euro-Bee-An, and my first quilt, Mindless Flannel, which has now been washed and dried and is lovely and soft to snuggle with.

This year I’m looking forward to the Fat Quarterly Retreat, making more quilts and moving back home to Switzerland. I would like to finish as many of my WIPs as possible and I’m already on a roll as I finished my November Bee blocks yesterday (the fabric was late arriving and Linda said not to worry about finishing before Christmas).

Linda's Bee Blocks

I loved playing with all the Denyse Schmidt scraps Linda sent us. She asked us for simple patchwork blocks with a little extra. In one block I made a snowball and the other a simple wonky cross. Hopefully she’ll like them.

Today I finished my shark bath mat. It’s not very big but it’s alright for me and Little Miss Bossy-Boots as our feet aren’t very big. However, I’m not sure how Master is going to cope.

Shark Bath Mat

Our other bath mats are white so it’s nice to have a little bit of colour in this completely white bathroom. I think I can see a couple more bath mats in my future.

As for New Year’s resolutions, I only have one: I’m only going to buy fabric I need to finish projects as I’m trying to save up to buy an overlocker. This year I would like to sew some clothes for the Little Miss and myself. I know I can do that with my sewing machine but I would really like to make it an easy process with nice looking insides.

I’m off to look for my Spring Carnival templates. Oh yes, I tidied my sewing room and now I can’t find half of my things. Wish me luck.

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