A Little Bit of Sewing

Last week my parents-in-law arrived to celebrate my father-in-law’s 70th birthday. It meant that not much sewing was done at the end of the week.

I did manage to sew the February Bee blocks for Pippa, which were really quick to make. The pattern is “Great Big Kiss” by Sew Me.

Great Big Kiss


I’m sure Pippa’s quilt will look great once all the blocks are put together.

I also managed to make a birthday present for our lovely neighbour Rebecca, who was celebrating her 21st birthday. I pulled out some of my Liberty Tana lawns and decided on a HST (half square triangle) heart cushion. I combined the Tana lawns with some Essex linen in linen for the front and a sage green and white polka dot print for the back.

Liberty HeartThis rather dodgy Instagram photo is the only picture I have of it as I forgot to take pictures before gifting it. Doh! I might see if I can get it back for five minutes and take some nicer pictures.

As I only used one HST of most print (I had to use two prints twice as I didn’t have enough different pieces that were big enough) I can make another one. I think I might have an idea how I can mix it up a bit. I’ll keep you posted.

1 thought on “A Little Bit of Sewing

  1. Hi, it’s Jill from The Nocturnal Stitcher. I’m so impressed with all your lovely creations. I have so much to learn as a novice stitcher. I’m looking forward to delving further into your site. X

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