A day out

Yesterday we went to Woburn Safari Park near Milton Keynes. It was a very hot day which meant lots of cold drinks and ice creams had to be purchased. We enjoyed driving through the park getting quite close to some of the animals. Master was slightly concerned when he read one sign which said that the bears love ripping wing mirrors off the cars. As he’s only had the car for one week, he was developing an anxious tic which luckily disappeared again after leaving the bears.

 The tic reappeared when we got to the monkeys.

Little Miss Bossy-Boots and I were quite disappointed about the fact that the monkeys weren’t interested in our car whatsoever. Only one of them jumped on our roof but disappeared very quickly again.

After the drive through Master dropped Little Miss Bossy-Boots and me off at the cafe as he had to leave for a short meeting with a client. We ambled through the Australian adventure where we watched wallabies eating acorns or just lounging lazily in the sun.

Then the Little Miss went to play in the fantastic playground. There were so many things to climb on, she couldn’t decide where to go and I had to suggest a plan of action. She loved it and wasn’t interested in seeing anymore animals after discovering the playground. I admit that I was happy to just sit in the shade under the trees watching her little face light up every time she slid down one of the slides or climbed up a cargo net. However, when we arrived at the Safari Park we saw a big sign saying Peppa Pig and her little brother George were in the Park and children were welcome to come and meet them. So we did. As we approached the amphitheatre to wait for Peppa and George I snapped a picture of a parrot in flight. Absolutely gorgeous.

There were two parrots flying over our heads but I only managed to take a picture of one of them. I really, really wish I had a good camera. Then came the moment Little Miss Bossy-Boots had been waiting for: Peppa Pig and George arrived to have their picture taken with hundreds of children (that’s how it felt like to me).

Little Miss Bossy-Boots even went to hug them. She was a little shy of them, that’s why I’m in the picture too. Honest, I wasn’t dying to meet them….

Out last stop was a little trip on the lake in a swan boat. I tried to take a family picture but mostly ended up with funny faces. This one was the best.

All in all it was a lovely day out.

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