A Swoony Ta-dah!

Yeah! I’ve finished my trial Swoon block and I love it. Ok, so some of the points went AWOL but that’s fine. I’m sure nobody is going to go and check my points once it has been turned into a big floor cushion to sit on during a picnic.

This is the fabric I’m going to use for the back of the cushion. After all I want it to be practical. I know Little Miss Bossy-Boots well enough to know she will be dragging it outside to play in the grass and on her climbing frame.

What I like most about this block is that this is not fabric I would buy; it’s just not “me”. My colours are all the blues, greens and greys but now that I’ve finished it I’m really happy with it.

I’m just not sure what to use for the binding. Any suggestions?

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