
Knitting is not my favourite hobby, I much prefer sewing or crochet but last Sunday I suddenly decided to take out the knitting needles and start knitting a scarf. A couple of years ago I saw a pattern I really liked in my Norwegian magazine “Hjemmet” which was knit in a really thick yarn.

As I didn’t have the time to go to shop I rooted through my stash and found a lovely silk yarn that I bought about 20 or 25  years ago (it seems I’ve started a trend here) in a shop in Switzerland that has long gone. The silk is much thinner than the wool used in the pattern so I had to adapt the number of times the pattern is repeated. I basically repeated it four times instead of twice. I also made a mistake (I added a row that’s not supposed to be there) but as I repeated that mistake throughout my knitting I simply call it a variation rather than a mistake. Nobody will ever know….

At first I was dubious about the whole project but now that I’ve finished it I really love it. The silk is very soft, warm and light. Oh, yes. I’m really looking forward to wearing this scarf.

I’m knitting

Hello! Isn’t that cute? No, I’m not trying to tell you anything but that I’ve been knitting.

The village we live in isn’t a big one but it has, at least for the next few weeks, two Swiss ladies living in it. Sadly, the lovely Christa is moving to Japan in July and I will be once again the only Swiss person in the village (she moved here about a year ago). A  little while ago she knocked on my door and asked whether I could help her with her knitting. When Christa was still in school she knitted a pair of baby booties which were worn by both her little girls. She wanted to knit some more of these booties as gifts but did not have a pattern and wasn’t able to find one. I had a good look at her booties and with the help of my mum, who had a similar pattern, designed these little booties. I’m quite proud of them as I don’t knit very often and only needed about three attempts to come up with this pattern. At the moment I’m writing up the pattern for them so that Christa can knit them at a later stage. Once that is done I might put the pattern up on Ravelry.

Here’s a view from the side. They are knitted with two needles and have a seam on the bottom and at the back of the booties. They are incredibly easy and quick to knit and could easily be made in one hour. I will definitely make a few to sell at the Christmas Fayre (thinking ahead!) or to have ready for little gifts, maybe with a hat.