Working on it

I had a few moments today to start on the doll’s quilt that my friend has commissioned me to make for her daughter. Little did she know that I have no experience making quilts, let alone with such small pieces. My points don’t match and it is quite busy but I hope it will tone down once I add another border and quilt it.  I’m really pleased with it (despite the mistakes) so far and I hope it’ll turn out well in the end.

What do you think?

The fabric, by the way, is “Hoopla” by Moda.

A Doll Carrier: Work in Progress

Little Miss Bossy-Boots loves her dolls and often asks if she can bring one to pre-school. This usually involves bringing a pushchair which I end up carrying home again.

Lugging a doll’s pushchair around is not my favourite pastime so a couple of days ago I decided that I would make Little Miss Bossy-Boots a baby carrier (she calls all the dolls her babies).

Searching on the internet I couldn’t really find what I was looking for. Most of the tutorials were for slings or carriers that have to be put on by a helper. However, I want her to be able to put it on all by herself so that she can feel all grown up.

It’s still work in progress as I haven’t sorted out the straps yet. Hopefully I will get there soon and if I do I’ll post a pattern on this blog. Watch this space.


PS When I showed Little Miss Bossy-Boots what I was doing she said to me: “I don’t like it. I want a pink one!”