British Quilt Swap 3 – progress

I really need to finish this mini quilt now as the mailing window opens in three (!) days. Yesterday I cut out the tree shape and attached it with bondaweb to the ‘field’ next to the road. Next came the leaves. I played around with them for a while before Master said: “Stop!” I ironed them on and left everything to cool down before basting.

I started on the quilting today but wasn’t sure how far I would get as I was fast running out of thread. Luckily, Master went shopping this afternoon so he got some more. I did quite a bit of unpicking as I didn’t like the quilting on the tree trunk or around the leaves.

I have now decided to leave it for today and start on some hand quilting tomorrow trying out some Aurifil for the first time. I’m really excited about it and a bit nervous. What if I’m disappointed after everything I’ve heard and read about the miracle thread that is Aurifil? Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you what I think.

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