BQS 3 – The End

The mailing window for the British Quilt Swap Round 3 opened last Thursday and I’m happy to report that I will be sending my mini off on Monday, a little later than I wanted.

On the other hand I’ve been very lucky and have already received my mini from my partner Teresa, The Lochside Quilter. Look what she sent me:

Little Miss Bossy-Boots took one look at the  hexagon quilt and asked if she could have it for her dolls. I’m still thinking about it… Did you notice the cute little tissue holder and fabulous charms Teresa included? The latter will definitely find their way into my Spring Carnival quilt.

Thank you so much, Teresa!


The quilt I made isn’t something I would have made for myself and it really took me out of my comfort zone. However, it has taught me a lot. First, I loved the curved piecing and can see some more of it in my future. Second, raw edge appliqué is fun and can be very effective. I like the fact that the tree trunk’s and leaves’ edges are a bit fuzzy. Third, autumnal colours are beautiful. I don’t use them much although I was obviously attracted to them before this mini as I bought Denyse Schmidt’s Hope Valley a couple of years ago.

Here’s the label I embroidered for the back.

In addition to the quilt we’re supposed to send a little extra gift.

I love pincushions and think that you can never have enough when you’re sewing so that is what I’m making for my partner. I’ll show you a picture once I’ve finished it. I know the number of pincushions I have has quadrupled in the last few months because they are so much fun to make and receive.

Now all I can do is wait and hope that my partner likes what I made for her. Fingers crossed.


British Quilt Swap 3 – progress

I really need to finish this mini quilt now as the mailing window opens in three (!) days. Yesterday I cut out the tree shape and attached it with bondaweb to the ‘field’ next to the road. Next came the leaves. I played around with them for a while before Master said: “Stop!” I ironed them on and left everything to cool down before basting.

I started on the quilting today but wasn’t sure how far I would get as I was fast running out of thread. Luckily, Master went shopping this afternoon so he got some more. I did quite a bit of unpicking as I didn’t like the quilting on the tree trunk or around the leaves.

I have now decided to leave it for today and start on some hand quilting tomorrow trying out some Aurifil for the first time. I’m really excited about it and a bit nervous. What if I’m disappointed after everything I’ve heard and read about the miracle thread that is Aurifil? Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you what I think.

BQS 3 – A Start

You might remember that I entered the Brit Quilt Swap Round 3. Very early on I started stalking my partner but there wasn’t much to find out. I checked out the flickr page to see what quilts she liked and got quite confused as I felt she didn’t have a specific style that she preferred. So I went back to the email with her preferences and her mosaic. My partner’s style is quite different from mine but that’s part of the fun when you enter a swap.

This is what I have come up with so far:

Autumnal colours and nature are two of the things my partner likes so I’ve decided to make a road that disappears into the distance and a tree. The tree will be raw edge appliqué, something I haven’t got much experience with. This whole little quilt, which should finish at 18″ square, has been so much fun to plan and I’m really enjoying the fact that I’ve come out of my comfort zone and tried something new.

Mailing window opens in nine days so I better get a move on.


Brit Quilts Swap 3