I wasn’t sure what to show you today but in the end I decided to show you a picture that is very special to me.
This picture is in fact a copy of a watercolour that hangs in one of our local restaurants. I first saw it when my Bridge group held its Christmas party there and fell in love with it. In fact I loved it so much I took a picture of it thinking I could maybe put that in a frame. The picture, I’m sorry to say, did not turn out well as you could see the reflection of a window in the glass.
Five months later we moved into our house. A couple of months later I had the German Lunch Ladies over (a group of wonderful German and Austrian ladies who meet once a month to speak German and enjoy a lovely lunch) as it was my turn to cook for them. To my surprise I was handed this big present and a card which had been signed by the German Lunch Ladies and the members of the Bridge Club. Gesine, who like me is a member of both groups, had gone back to the restaurant, taken a picture of the watercolour and asked Hanna, one of the German ladies who’s an artist, to copy it. Hanna did a fabulous job, making it her own rather than simply a copy. Gesine then collected money from everyone to get it framed.
The picture hangs in our living room and every time I look at it I’m reminded of these wonderful friends I’ve made while here in England. I know I’m going to miss them all when we move back to Switzerland but I will aways have a reminder of their friendship, talent and generosity.
Are you telling me, that I could have written in german when I always strained my brain to write in english!
Na toll ;o)))