
I’m lucky enough to go on holiday soon to enjoy a bit of warmth and sunshine before the cold winter arrives for good. This means, of course, that I need something nice to wear.

I bought this remnant a while ago to make Little Miss Bossy-Boots some pyjama bottoms. However, I think I liked it more than she did so I decided to make a quick holiday dress to go to the beach in. I based it on the Mandy Boat Tee, a free pattern by Tessuti Fabrics. It’s really wide and very comfortable.

I really wanted to make another one and when I spotted a quirky fabric with dogs on in the remnant bin (yes, that’s right) and there was enough for another dress I had to have it.

I only realised when I got home that the fabric wasn’t the same width as the flowery one, so I got out some paper and started adapting the pattern to make it fit. I think I love this one even more than the other one but I’ll see what they’re like once I wear them.

For this one I used different coloured threads for the seams as I’d run out of black thread and I’m in love with this little detail.

I saw another fun jersey with cute cats on. Just saying…

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