A very good friend of mine celebrated her birthday this week and I thought long and hard about what I could give her. In the end I settled on making her a door stop. There’s usually a fierce wind blowing here in Cambridgeshire and doors bang all day every day. Gesine loves the colour orange and a little while ago I saw a rust coloured fabric that made me think of her. I bought half a meter thinking I would make her a bag. I didn’t. It was on my mind for ages but somehow it just didn’t happen. Luckily I remembered the fabric and was able to use it for the door stop.
I added the rose simply “because I can”. I love these fabric roses and was thinking of making three in different sizes and then let them tumble over the edge of the doorstop. Sadly I ran out of time (she says hanging her head in shame) as this was one of these last-minute gifts that I’m so well-known for. I really need to get more organised, embrace the Elizabethness in me.
Off I go then, to make more door stops and baby booties for the Christmas fairs that loom somewhere in the future and have a tendency to creep up on me. Please, stop laughing…I will be organised this year, honestly.