July Row

Hello, hello!

Another month has passed and I’m still working on my March row. As our summer holiday is fast approaching I’m hoping to get more done and will do my utmost to catch up with my sewing.

However, I’ve been naughty and have started a new crochet project. Three friends of mine have asked me to design a flowery crochet blanket. One of the girls saw a beautiful crochet blanket but we couldn’t find a pattern for it so designed a similar one. I’m making mine for my daughter and she’s picked lots of lovely pastel colours:

I’ve made a start and the blanket will look very soft and delicate. I’ll show you my progress in a separate blog post as I’m really pleased with both the design and the wool.

Here are the templates for the July row of the block of the month:

July 1

July 2

July 3

Happy sewing!

April Row

Hello, hello!

Are you ready for the next row of this Block of the Month? I’m still running behind. I’ve only just finished the February row this morning… I was really stressed out about it for a while but then realised that it’s all good. We sew because we enjoy it and we’ll finish our projects when we finish them. I might be able to catch up this month or I may not. I’m going to try but if I’m still behind at the end of the month then that’s ok with me.

As you can see Olive has been helping me.

Right, without much further ado. Here are the templates for this month’s row:

April 1

April 2

April 3

April 4

Number four are the ‘connectors’ between the other blocks. The whole block was basically too big to fit on one page so I had to add another page to the templates. There are lines to show you where the templates go.

If you have any problems, please let me know and I’ll do my best to solve them.

Happy sewing!

Block of the Month 2024

It’s been a while but I’m excited to be back in this little corner of the internet to announce that I’m hosting a free Block of the Month next year. I’ve already talked about it on Instagram but let me tell you all about it here, too.

First, it’s not really a block but a row we’re sewing every month. Here’s the chart of the finished quilt:


I realise that it’s not easy to see the quilt properly in this little picture so the link for the chart is here: Chart BOM24

The chart will help you decide whether you want to join in and also make it easier for you if you’re a planner. I’m going to wing it (and probably be envious of everyone who’s planned their quilt in advance) and stick to my technique of choosing my fabrics as I’m sewing.

Every month you get three ‘blocks’ one centre block and two end blocks that square up the quilt.

The width of your quilt depends on how many centre blocks you make. Ten blocks in total give you a quilt that’s 60″ wide. You can of course make it smaller but the length, if you stick with all twelve rows is 72″. If you would like to make your quilt bigger, I can add more rows, but at the moment there are only twelve. Here’s the link to download the rows in the picture above: Chart Pieces BOM24

Every first of the month the blocks will be ready to download here on the blog. If you would like to join in and see what others are making you can check out the hashtag #sharksdinnerbom24 on Instagram. This is where I’ll be posting my progress.

And because you should always end every blog post with a cute picture, here’s one of Olive Nomura Shoulderhopper.


Happy sewing! Elisabeth