
Do you like doughnuts? I do, although since I’ve started reducing sugar in my diet the last couple of years I haven’t had many. However, I don’t really mean the edible kind but rather the quilty one. I’ve started sewing a new quilt which I call the positive doughnut (#SDpositivedoughnutquilt on Instagram).

This block is, I believe, called the Greek Cross, but to me it looks a bit like a doughnut. The difference is that the hole in the middle looks like a plus sign. I’m using blue and low volume fabrics from my stash.  Sometimes I’m not sure whether I have enough of one fabric for a whole doughnut or the background of one quilt so to help me with that problem I’ve cut the pieces from paper which I can lay on the fabric to check.
I’m enjoying these blocks tremendously as they are big (12.5″ unfinished) and easy. There are no corners and no points that need to match and no bulky seams. In fact, I believe this is the perfect block for a beginner or a quilting bee.

Since taking this picture I’ve made another three blocks which means I’m halfway there.

I’m thinking of writing a tutorial for this block but that won’t be tomorrow as I’m off to IKEA to buy some more of the numbers fabric for the back. TTFN!


How not to…

…write a tutorial. I finally sat down to write the tutorial for my Modern Churn Dash quilt and totally messed up because I was trying to finish the sewing before I had to pick up Little Miss Bossy-Boots from Kindergarten. However, I really like the mess I made and am happy to show it to you.


This is what the churn dash looks like when you sew some of the pieces the wrong way. I did it with the first row and didn’t realise it until I finished sewing together the second row. I had the choice to unpick but decided to continue instead.

Positive Doughnut

I’m not sure what this block is called but I named it the ‘positive doughnut’ and I love it so much that I’m thinking of turning it into a quilt rather than a cushion as planned. It means I’ll have to go and buy some more of the background fabric, a shimmery little Michael Miller number.

The tutorial for the churn dash will be posted this week with lots of illustrations drawn in TouchDraw…

Modern Churn Dash