The End is Near

Wow, it’s the last day of October and the last day of Blogtoberfest. I’ve missed two posts (three last year!) which I’m a bit sad about but all in all it has been a lot of fun again. I’ve enjoyed discovering new blogs during this month, some of which have ended up in my reader. I’m not sure that I will continue to blog every day in the next couple of months but will try my best to keep it fairly regular. As I’ve said before I really enjoyed it.

The last day of October is, of course, also Halloween and I just want to show you what Little Miss Bossy-Boots and I created this afternoon. I realised that she didn’t have a bag for trick or treating (she has lots and lots of bags, just not a Halloween one) so I got out my orange and green fabrics and quickly made a “pumpkin” bag which she then decorated with the fabric marker I bought for our Bee’s siggy blocks.

Here’s a close up of the people she drew on the bag:

From left to right: me, Sarah (her best friend’s mum), Lily (her best friend’s little sister), Katie (her best friend) and Little Miss Bossy-Boots. We are all wearing witch’s hats except for Sarah who has curly hair.

The bag was quite full at the end of the evening despite a wet and miserable Halloween. I’ve “borrowed” some candy corn from it after Missy went to bed and hope she won’t remember she had two little packets….

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