The End is Near

Wow, it’s the last day of October and the last day of Blogtoberfest. I’ve missed two posts (three last year!) which I’m a bit sad about but all in all it has been a lot of fun again. I’ve enjoyed discovering new blogs during this month, some of which have ended up in my reader. I’m not sure that I will continue to blog every day in the next couple of months but will try my best to keep it fairly regular. As I’ve said before I really enjoyed it.

The last day of October is, of course, also Halloween and I just want to show you what Little Miss Bossy-Boots and I created this afternoon. I realised that she didn’t have a bag for trick or treating (she has lots and lots of bags, just not a Halloween one) so I got out my orange and green fabrics and quickly made a “pumpkin” bag which she then decorated with the fabric marker I bought for our Bee’s siggy blocks.

Here’s a close up of the people she drew on the bag:

From left to right: me, Sarah (her best friend’s mum), Lily (her best friend’s little sister), Katie (her best friend) and Little Miss Bossy-Boots. We are all wearing witch’s hats except for Sarah who has curly hair.

The bag was quite full at the end of the evening despite a wet and miserable Halloween. I’ve “borrowed” some candy corn from it after Missy went to bed and hope she won’t remember she had two little packets….

A Pocket

When I first thought about the Mouthy Stitches tote I pulled some fabric from my stash, ordered the Essex linen from the lovely Justine from Simply Solids and panicked. As you might remember I changed my mind twice before settling on the colours and the “Fleeing the Nest” block.

Now that I had the outside done it was time to think of the lining. At first I was going to use the aqua as the lining but then quite a few people on flickr mentioned that it was a bit too much blue for their liking. Back to the drawing board and back to stalking I went. Lo and behold, I found a little sentence on my partner’s blog which stated that her favourite colour is purple. In my stash I have this lovely lilac/purple polka dot fabric which I thought would be lovely to use. After all, the bag is reversible and should look as pretty on the inside as it does on the outside.

To break up the purple I made a nice bright and fairly big pocket which is practical and pretty. I used some of the rainbow scraps and aqua fabric from the front to tie it in and I love it.

I forgot to show you the back of the tote yesterday. Just in case you were wondering what it looks like, voila!

Now I just have to make a key fob and I’m sorted. Way ahead of schedule. Must be a first.

Blinded by the light

isn’t it strange how sometimes you can work on something and not see the blatantly obvious? I’m talking about the picture of the block I posted yesterday. I was thrilled to sew the border on, ironing it flat and then photographing it. Not for one second did I notice that not one of the corner pieces had any points whatsoever. Yep, I was blind. It wasn’t until I checked flickr to see if my partner had commented that I noticed it. Mortified I ran upstairs, got the seam ripper out and took the border off.

Here’s the new and improved version. As a bag.

I love it and I really hope my partner will too. This isn’t, of course, a practical tote being made in Ivory Essex linen but I still hope that my partner will get some use out of it.

New Geese on the Block

I’ve unpicked the block that I made for the Mouthy Stitches tote as I really wasn’t happy with it.

This time round the points on my geese have a better chance of survival and the secret for that is starch. The Essex linen is very floppy and I think that was part of my problem. That and the fact that the fabric is cut on the bias. So this time I’ve sprayed so much starch on my fabric my little sewing buddy left the room!


Ok, today I have no idea what to write about. It’s half-term here and with Little Miss Bossy-Boots not in school I haven’t managed to sew more than two seams.

The reason, however, that I’m rambling on now is that I decided at the start of Blogtoberfest that I would host a giveaway at the end and I would have as many prizes as I had missed blog posts. I’m on three at the moment. Do I need to say anymore?

I’ll leave you with a picture of some cute buttons (after all, a blog post without a picture is like toast without butter).



I’ve decided to join Blogtoberfest, a month of daily blog posts. This festival was brought to life by Cathy and there’s a long list of participating blogs on her blog tinniegirl which I can’t wait to explore. There will be giveaways, fun posts, challenges and I’m sure lots of desperate posts from me to make sure I have something to talk about. After all, I’m not really known for blogging daily, am I? Here we go, though, it’s my chance to get into the habit of blogging daily and hosting my first giveaway! I think I know already what I’m going to give away. Curious? Stick round and I’ll tell you soon.