August Row

I’m still trying to catch up with my own Block of the Month, which makes me feel slightly bad. Only slightly, though, as I’ve learned that the more pressure I put on my self the less I get done. So my mantra these last couple of years has been ‘I’ll get to it when it’s the right time to do it’ and it’s helped me tremendously with my anxiety.

This little miss is making it slightly more difficult to sew but as she makes my life so much better I don’t really mind.

You’re not here to listen to my psychobabble, I’m sure, so without much further ado here are the August templates:

August 1

August 2

August 3

I normally print out my templates to check the size but my printer sadly refuses to print at the moment. So please let me know if there are any problems with the templates so I can rectify them. They should be fine, I’m probably worrying for nothing.

Happy sewing!

1 thought on “August Row

  1. sounds like things are still super hectic for you. Fingers crossed it all settles down soon, and you get to enjoy stitching the amazing design you’ve created.
    I’ve just printed out August’s templates, and mine come out correctly sized.
    Thanks so much 🙂

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