September Row


I’m just back from the Land of LobNobs*, aka Norway.


The picture above was taken on one of the only dry afternoons. I had a wonderful, albeit wet, holiday where I did absolutely no sewing whatsoever. I’m still confused as I did bring my usual EPP project that I like to work on when I’m there but this year it never came out. Instead I did lots of crochet and some reading. I also received a beautiful puzzle from a friend of mine which I brought with me and finished really quickly. So I went and bought another one.

I crocheted two hats. The pattern is The CableOpticCrochetHat by Anna from Crafty Owl and I fell in love with it the second I saw it on Etsy. Sadly the first hat turned out to be too big but I refused to give up and went to the wool shop and bought more wool for take two. This blue hat was given to my mother as her head is a little bigger than mine. I then crocheted a green hat for myself but haven’t got a picture of it yet as I’m still debating whether I should add a pompom or not.


Right, the September templates. Here they are:

September 1

September 2

September 3

September 4

The September 4 templates are marked, so that it’s easy to know where they go.

Happy sewing!


*LobNobs are pretend bits of lobster. Their name makes me giggle every time I buy them. They’re rather tasty in my humble opinion.

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