October Row

I’m so sorry for the delay in posting the October templates. Life is being life.

Here they are:

October 1

October 2

October 3

I’ve been busy crocheting rather than sewing. I’m still hoping to finish this crochet blanket till Christmas. I don’t think I’ll manage but it’s fun to try.

As I have problems with the joints in my fingers (mostly my thumbs but the others are acting up too) I have to modify my crochet hooks. I usually just grab some Fimo clay, make a sausage and stuff my hook in it to give me a better grip. This time I tried to make flowers to decorate my crochet hook. It wasn’t all that successful but I still like it.

Right, I’m off to crochet a few more flowers.

Happy sewing!

September Row


I’m just back from the Land of LobNobs*, aka Norway.


The picture above was taken on one of the only dry afternoons. I had a wonderful, albeit wet, holiday where I did absolutely no sewing whatsoever. I’m still confused as I did bring my usual EPP project that I like to work on when I’m there but this year it never came out. Instead I did lots of crochet and some reading. I also received a beautiful puzzle from a friend of mine which I brought with me and finished really quickly. So I went and bought another one.

I crocheted two hats. The pattern is The CableOpticCrochetHat by Anna from Crafty Owl and I fell in love with it the second I saw it on Etsy. Sadly the first hat turned out to be too big but I refused to give up and went to the wool shop and bought more wool for take two. This blue hat was given to my mother as her head is a little bigger than mine. I then crocheted a green hat for myself but haven’t got a picture of it yet as I’m still debating whether I should add a pompom or not.


Right, the September templates. Here they are:

September 1

September 2

September 3

September 4

The September 4 templates are marked, so that it’s easy to know where they go.

Happy sewing!


*LobNobs are pretend bits of lobster. Their name makes me giggle every time I buy them. They’re rather tasty in my humble opinion.

Hello Blog

Elisabeth: “Hello, Blog, how are you?”

Blog: “Lonely.”

Elisabeth: “I know I haven’t been around much, but then I haven’t been crafting much either. My mum was here for her birthday last week which means I didn’t do much (except baking and eating cakes. Oh yes, cakes, as in baking three and eating two!). I’d like to show you a couple of things now, though.”

Blog: “Great! What would you like to show me then?”

Elisabeth: “First, I want to show you a gift I got from my sister Kristine. She crocheted this lovely bag and showed it to me on Skype. When I said how cute I thought it was she gave it to me. Fabulous, isn’t it? Sadly I don’t get to use it much as Little Miss Bossy-Boots has taken it and is using it all the time.”

Blog: “That bag is lovely! What else did you want to show me?”

Elisabeth: “I suddenly had the urge to do some embroidery. The bird was inspired by a drawing I did for Little Miss Bossy-Boots. I’m not sure what I’m going to make with these two embroideries but I’m sure I’ll think of something at some stage.”

Blog: “Cute. How about turning one of them into a Kindle cover?”

Elisabeth: “Good idea, Blog, I’ll see if I can find some fabrics to go with the bird. The last thing I want to show is a really fabulous book.

You know how much I like Fat Quarterly, don’t you? I mean, I’m going to their Retreat in London, I go on and on about Katy Jones (bit of crush there?!)….. When I heard that they were writing a book I knew I was going to buy it and yesterday it arrived. I love it. Last year I bought some fat quarters and yardage of Echo by Lotta Jansdotter and I’ve been looking for a pattern to turn it into a quilt ever since. Well, I’ve found it.

This is my all time favourite block. I’m sure nobody who knows me is surprised by the fact that I’ve fallen for a block that’s called Castle Wall (for those who don’t know me: I studied Medieval English Language and Literature) and it’s by John Q. Adams, aka Quilt Dad.

Blog: ” I can see why you like Castle Wall. I’m sure it’ll look lovely in Echo.”

Elisabeth: “I can’t wait to start but I have to finish some work stuff first. At least I have a project to take to the Sewing Retreat. Although how much sewing I will be doing I’m not sure but more about that later. See you very soon, my dear Blog!”

Granny Cushion

I loved making the Granny Square Pincushion and thought it would be fun to make a cushion cover using Ali’s tutorial for the square with the popcorn flower.

So, Little Miss Bossy-Boots and I trundled into town and she chose the colours for her cushion cover. No surprises there; we came home with a bright pink and a mellow purple yarn. They had a lovely soft orange that I would have loved to combine with the pink but as I had promised Missy that she could choose whatever she liked I bit my tongue.

This is the front and all in all I like it. I made a bit of a mess joining the squares together but I know now what to do differently for next time. In fact I loved making these little shares so much that I’m thinking of taking all my little bits of leftover yarn from other projects and make a blanket.

Here’s the back of it:

Did you spot the giant buttons? Well, yes, hmmm. I didn’t have any in the right colour or size but I really wanted to finish the cushion cover and show it off. They will be changed sometime in the near future, I promise.

I didn’t want to put just a regular insert in the cover but made one using a lovely flowery fabric with butterflies and birds that peek out through the holes especially at the back.

I bought it a few years ago and have no idea what it’s called or who it’s from but I thought it was perfect for this cushion.


These last few weeks have been difficult as I’m struggling with the most horrendous cold. It’s still with me but I can feel that I’m going to be back to normal again soon. Despite not feeling well I’ve been trying to get some sewing and crocheting done as I have a stall at my daughter’s Christmas Fayre. Let’s just say it might be quite empty….

On Sunday, Little Miss Bossy-Boots wasn’t feeling well so I sat on the sofa with her in the afternoon watching not one but TWO films. I can’t just sit there doing nothing and as I’d finished my scarf by then I decided to crochet some hearts and snowflakes.

The snowflakes are a free pattern by Lucy from Attic 24. If you haven’t discovered her yet, please, do hop over and have a look; you won’t regret it, I’m sure. I love her blog and I love all her colourful crochet projects. Her Blooming Flower Cushion is on my to-do list and I’m really hoping to get some hooky time in over the holidays.

BTW if you’re wondering what I’m going to make with the gazillion snowflakes I’ve crocheted already come back later…


I love making amigurumi, the lovely little crochet cuddlies (or not so cuddlies). It’s been a while since I made one, in fact it was January when I finished Xolpoth the friendly alien. However, as I was sorting out some of my pictures I stumbled on lots of pictures of the amigurumi I made for a friend’s wedding. When Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ godmother got married last summer she asked me to make an amigurumi for each child that was invited. I thought it was a really nice idea and started crocheting until I had 18 of the little critters. Don’t worry, I’m not going to show you all of them but I will show you a few of my favourites.

The penguin:


The bee:


The pig, which Little Miss Bossy-Boots brought home again:


Jasper, who never made it to Germany where the wedding took place. I admit it, I have a great love for ginger cats and he stayed with me:


And last but not least, Spoldink, my first alien:


Seeing all these amigurumi again has made me want to make more. Yep, the crochet hooks are out again. Prepare to see a few more on this blog!


Crochet Butterflies

I was bumbling about the internet looking for a pattern for a crochet bird when I happened upon some lovely butterflies by Little Birdie Secrets. They are so easy to make but very effective and I decided to crochet a few to put on some hair clips:

As you can see I also made some flowers but I think the butterflies are much cuter. I did change the pattern a little (I often do).  Here is my version of the Teeny Tiny Butterfly pattern:

Ch = chain stitch;  sl st = slip stitch;  dc = double crochet

Ch 4; sl st into first st to form a ring.

Ch 2; 3 dc into ring; ch 2; sl st into ring.

*Ch 1; 2 dc into ring; ch 1; sl st into ring*. Repeat twice.

Ch 2; 3 dc into ring; ch 2; sl st into ring.

Fasten off and create abdomen and antennae by wrapping a thread around the middle of the butterfly twice. Tie a knot and snip ends.

As you can see the changes are minimal. I start with one top wing then go to the lower wings making them a little smaller by only crocheting 2 dc instead of 3 and ending with another top wing. I just found that my butterflies became more symmetrical like this.

Little Miss Bossy-Boots loves them and I have made a few to add to a pink and sparkly bag she has asked for.