
I love making amigurumi, the lovely little crochet cuddlies (or not so cuddlies). It’s been a while since I made one, in fact it was January when I finished Xolpoth the friendly alien. However, as I was sorting out some of my pictures I stumbled on lots of pictures of the amigurumi I made for a friend’s wedding. When Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ godmother got married last summer she asked me to make an amigurumi for each child that was invited. I thought it was a really nice idea and started crocheting until I had 18 of the little critters. Don’t worry, I’m not going to show you all of them but I will show you a few of my favourites.

The penguin:


The bee:


The pig, which Little Miss Bossy-Boots brought home again:


Jasper, who never made it to Germany where the wedding took place. I admit it, I have a great love for ginger cats and he stayed with me:


And last but not least, Spoldink, my first alien:


Seeing all these amigurumi again has made me want to make more. Yep, the crochet hooks are out again. Prepare to see a few more on this blog!


Florence Fish

I am in the process of writing a tutorial on how to crochet this lovely but very easy fish. Somehow it seems to take much longer than anticipated. So, here’s a little taster:

Cute, isn’t she?

Chop stick

Have you got a favourite tool in your sewing room?

I love my chop stick. It’s just a simple free chop stick that came with our takeaway Chinese. I have sanded it to round all the corners and that’s it. The idea to use a chop stick as a tool came while reading a craft blog (sadly I can’t remember which one it was) and I have to say it was a great tip. It just comes in so handy to turn corners when sewing, stuffing my amigurumis, flattening seams etc. Continue reading Chop stick


It took me much longer than anticipated to finish this little amigurumi which I started when Little Miss Bossy-Boots was ill. Life just suddenly filled up with everything but time to sew or crochet.

However, here’s the finished project: Xolpoth, the Alien.

I started making amigurumis last year after receiving The Encyclopedia of Crochet Techniques by Jan Eaton and seeing a picture of “Binky Rabbit” in the gallery section. It was love at first sight and I decided to try making something like that. I didn’t have a pattern and that was quite evident when I looked at the finished project. It was a very strange looking “thing” that could only be identified as a rabbit because of its ears and tail and it ended up in the bin. Continue reading Finished!