I have a new sewing machine: an Elna Grasshopper, which I’ve decided to name Agnes.

I used to have a Grasshopper but sadly her motor started smoking while I was sewing and I had to get rid of her. I’ve wanted another one ever since and when I found this one on the internet for sfr.35.- I knew I had to get her. She’s got quite a few scratches and has neither her case nor any accessories but I thought that it didn’t really matter for this price. I really enjoy using her and I mostly got her so I could take her to retreats.

I had to get a new foot for her as when she arrived she was set up for darning but that was quick and easy thanks to the internet again. I was really happy for the darning foot as it means I can do some free motion quilting with her too.

I now need to make a cover for her and think I might go through my massive pile of orphan blocks and EPP trial pieces to find something I can quickly turn into a quilted cover. I’ll show her off in her new cover as soon as I’ve finished it.

Welcome to the family, Agnes!

New Addition

There’s a new addition to our family:

Hello Gorgeous!

That’s right, the cutest little sewing machine. A few weeks ago Emily from Strawberry Patch posted a picture on Instagram of her Singer Featherweight 324 which she wanted to sell. I’d been wondering if I should get a small, light sewing machine to take to the Fat Quarterly Sewing Retreat this year. I took my Bernina last year but didn’t fancy taking her again; she’s pure metal and very, very heavy. I love vintage sewing machines so I didn’t think about it long and told Emily that I was interested.

Singer Featherweight 324

To cut a long story short, the machine arrived today in her cute as a button wicker basket.   The machine wasn’t the only thing that arrived though. When I opened the basket I found a beautiful hexagon pincushion and the cutest bracelet as well! I always say that quilters are the most generous people around and I think I’ve been proven right again.


Green is my favourite colour and those green hexagons sing to me.


If I feel chatty I can always use the other side with a lovely text print and pink centre. The card is going to be hung above my sewing machine and the bracelet will, I’m sure, be shared with Little Miss Bossy-Boots (although on the inside I’m going to go “My preciousss!).

By the way, if you haven’t discovered Emily’s blog, Strawberry Patch, yet, go and have a little peek. Emily has such fabulous taste in fabrics and her Marcelle Medallion quilt is stunningly beautiful. You won’t regret it.

Now, I thought I might turn this post into a little impromptu giveaway. I would like to give this cute machine a name, but can’t think of anything suitable. If you would like to win a little something made by me especially for you, please leave a comment on this post with a suggestion for a name. I will pick a winner on Wednesday, 24th April 2013 at 8pm my time. This giveaway is open internationally.


Post from Australia!

I must have been an incredibly good girl lately as after the great emails I got yesterday I was blessed with two lovely packages in the post today. They both came all the way from Australia!

The first one was one of those really kind gestures that make your heart sing. A little while ago Trystan, maidentatters on Instagram, posted a picture of the cutest little pink scissors. When I told her how much I loved them she offered to send me a pair. Now how could I resist such an offer? They arrived today and they are so incredibly cute I can’t stop looking at them. However, that wasn’t the only thing Trystan sent me, she also included a lovely little box pouch in blue and white. It’s absolutely perfect to use for a hand sewing kit. I like to have a few as I usually have about three projects on the go.

Instagram photo

The second package was my Mouthy Stitches tote. The second I saw the name of the sender I knew which one it was and started whooping! Shocking Hocking did incredibly well, picking my favourite colours and making a fantastic paper pieced stars on one side and some patchwork on the other.

Love the little fussy cut deer, bird and car. The hand quilting is beautifully done.

The lining is simply gorgeous and there are three great pockets for my phone, tissues and a wallet. Not my keys as they will be put on the fabulous lanyard Kay sent as the key fob.

Swaps are always a bit daunting as you don’t really know if what you’ve made is going to be to your partner’s taste. Furthermore, you might not like what is coming your way very much. So far I’ve been lucky, I absolutely love this tote and am sure that I will use it a lot.

A Little Extra

In my last post I promised I would show you the pincushion I was making for my BQS 3 partner.

Voila! I used some Klona cream, Hope Valley and scraps from the mini quilt. I think it looks quite cute although you need some very sharp pins to penetrate the owl appliqué. Maybe my partner will be happy to simply have it sitting on a shelf looking pretty.

PS the back is the same Hope Valley print I used for the wings.

Holding tight

Hi there. I know I have been gone for a very long time but I’ve had a big personal sorrow to deal with which meant I had to travel to Switzerland from one day to the next. I’m back now, though, and I have some lovely ideas for the next few crafting sessions. However, before I get going I would love to show you what I made before travelling home:

For ages I’ve been thinking that I really need to get a new pin cushion, one that I can put on my wrist so that it’s always with me. I sew sitting on an office chair with wheels with my ironing board set up right behind me at the right height to iron sitting down. All the cutting, pinning, planning etc. is done on the ironing board, then I swivel round and sew on my machine and forget to bring my pin cushion. Doh. I have to stop the machine, swivel round again, get the pin cushion and continue (I like to take the pins out while sewing, rather than afterwards. Don’t know why. Answers on a postcard, please). Gone is the hunt for the pin cushion because now it will go with me wherever I go! Even downstairs when I make myself a nice cup of tea and get a cinnamon swirl out of the tin. Mmmh…

I’m so in love with this pin cushion I’m going to make a few more and maybe even write up a tutorial for them. It’s great to use up some favourite scraps. Anyone interested?

Chop stick

Have you got a favourite tool in your sewing room?

I love my chop stick. It’s just a simple free chop stick that came with our takeaway Chinese. I have sanded it to round all the corners and that’s it. The idea to use a chop stick as a tool came while reading a craft blog (sadly I can’t remember which one it was) and I have to say it was a great tip. It just comes in so handy to turn corners when sewing, stuffing my amigurumis, flattening seams etc. Continue reading Chop stick