10 Years

Ten years ago today I had my last radiotherapy session. After six months of operations, chemo and radiotherapy I didn’t want to see a doctor or hospital ever again. It doesn’t quite work like that, of course, but so far my check ups have been fine.

I was going to celebrate today with a big giveaway. However, a nasty cold has me chained to the sofa with a little EPP and a lot of tv. Isn’t that ironic? As soon as I feel better I’ll be back with some lovely prizes.

See you soon!Bunny!

New Addition

There’s a new addition to our family:

Hello Gorgeous!

That’s right, the cutest little sewing machine. A few weeks ago Emily from Strawberry Patch posted a picture on Instagram of her Singer Featherweight 324 which she wanted to sell. I’d been wondering if I should get a small, light sewing machine to take to the Fat Quarterly Sewing Retreat this year. I took my Bernina last year but didn’t fancy taking her again; she’s pure metal and very, very heavy. I love vintage sewing machines so I didn’t think about it long and told Emily that I was interested.

Singer Featherweight 324

To cut a long story short, the machine arrived today in her cute as a button wicker basket.   The machine wasn’t the only thing that arrived though. When I opened the basket I found a beautiful hexagon pincushion and the cutest bracelet as well! I always say that quilters are the most generous people around and I think I’ve been proven right again.


Green is my favourite colour and those green hexagons sing to me.


If I feel chatty I can always use the other side with a lovely text print and pink centre. The card is going to be hung above my sewing machine and the bracelet will, I’m sure, be shared with Little Miss Bossy-Boots (although on the inside I’m going to go “My preciousss!).

By the way, if you haven’t discovered Emily’s blog, Strawberry Patch, yet, go and have a little peek. Emily has such fabulous taste in fabrics and her Marcelle Medallion quilt is stunningly beautiful. You won’t regret it.

Now, I thought I might turn this post into a little impromptu giveaway. I would like to give this cute machine a name, but can’t think of anything suitable. If you would like to win a little something made by me especially for you, please leave a comment on this post with a suggestion for a name. I will pick a winner on Wednesday, 24th April 2013 at 8pm my time. This giveaway is open internationally.


And the Winner is…..

I realise I’m a day late with my announcement but I’ve come back from Switzerland with a bad cold so most of yesterday was spent in bed.

I decided to draw the winner the old-fashioned way and wrote people’s names on little pieces of paper.


Drumroll please….

That’s right, the winner of Joel Dewberry’s lovely book is Kris. I’ll send it to you as soon as possible. Please, let me know if you make anything from it.


Giveaway time!

Hello! Nice to see you here. I’ve decided that it’s time for another giveaway and the prize this time is a lovely book:

Sorry about the bad photo but I’m trying to pack, tidy and, most importantly, to find my camera charger with the spare battery. This is all very last minute before I’m off for a week in Switzerland.

Poor Master has to stay here and bring home the bacon.

Anyway, if you would like Joel Dewberry’s Sewn Spaces just leave a comment on this post. I’m happy to send internationally so, please, go on and leave a comment. I will draw a winner on the 8th of July 2012.

Good luck!

PS I will try to post some pictures from the book tomorrow but I can tell you that there some great projects in there.


Did you read my previous post in which I showed off the lovely pincushion I won?

At the time of the giveaway Ali posted a tutorial for it on her blog Very Berry Handmade and I loved it so much that I said I was going to make one regardless of whether I won or not. I did…and here it is with Ali’s.

The cotton yarn I used is a bit thicker which means that my crocheted square is a bit denser. Maybe I should have used a bigger hook?

I’m still very pleased with it. The fabric I used is a dusky lilac with white polka dots. I love those colours together. The reverse of the pincushion is just as pretty:

Do you like it? I thought as I love the pincushion I won so much I would give this one away (hopefully to be loved as much as I love mine). The first person to write a comment on this post will receive the pincushion and I’m happy to send it anywhere in the world.

Edited to say:

Thank you so much for your kind comments about my pincushion which will be sent to Jane on Monday!


And the Winner is…..

With only three comments on my giveaway post and one of them being Master I didn’t think it would be necessary to bother Mr. Random. Instead I wrote the names on a piece of paper and put them in a little basket.

I’ve already sent you an email, Juliet. Thank you so much to all the participants!




Please look at this picture and tell me you don’t like it.

You do?

20 lovely, romantic 5″ square bits of fabric and they are looking for a new home. Could you be the person to give them a warm place in your heart and home?  Then, please, leave a comment on this post. Ok, so they come with this

and this

but you can always give the mug rug to auntie Jane and the frog to the neighbour’s cousin’s friend’s son.

Go on! Click here, please?!

PS I’m happy to send the goodies to you wherever you call home.


Today is the last day of Blogtoberfest and I’ve really enjoyed it. I admit I’ve missed a few posts but it has been fun trying to blog every day. I’ve also enjoyed visiting loads of new blogs and, of course, a few that I already subscribe to.

To celebrate this enjoyable month of blogging I’ve decided to host a giveaway. The prizes are:

First, we have a “Tilda” Charm Pack. To be honest I would love to keep it so I might just buy one and make myself something lovely after Christmas (I wish I had the time to do it right now but alas…).

Second, a mug rug made by yours truly. The nine patch block in the middle is Nell Whatmore’s “Happy Go Lucky”. I’ve machine quilted the polka dot border and hand quilted the nine patch block with some pink perle cotton. This mug rug is 7″ by 7″, perfect for a cup and a biscuit.

Third, is a little Amigurumi frog named Fergal. He loves to look out of the window and watch the flies but is just as happy holding your pins (with his head…).

Interested? Leave a comment on this post telling me about some handy tip, cooking, sewing, knitting, gardening anything that makes your life easier. My best tip? Use a rubber glove to get dog and cat hair out of carpets easily. This is especially handy on stairs as you get into the corners much better than with a dustpan and brush. Just rub your hand over the carpet, the hair will stick to your glove and turn into this dust bunny thingy (I have no idea what it’s called in English, sorry!).

Giveaway is open till Sunday, 6th November 2011 and it’s open to everyone. I will draw a winner at 10am Greenwich time, so make your sure you comment before then. Please make sure I can contact you to ask for your address.

Good Luck!