
Today is the last day of Blogtoberfest and I’ve really enjoyed it. I admit I’ve missed a few posts but it has been fun trying to blog every day. I’ve also enjoyed visiting loads of new blogs and, of course, a few that I already subscribe to.

To celebrate this enjoyable month of blogging I’ve decided to host a giveaway. The prizes are:

First, we have a “Tilda” Charm Pack. To be honest I would love to keep it so I might just buy one and make myself something lovely after Christmas (I wish I had the time to do it right now but alas…).

Second, a mug rug made by yours truly. The nine patch block in the middle is Nell Whatmore’s “Happy Go Lucky”. I’ve machine quilted the polka dot border and hand quilted the nine patch block with some pink perle cotton. This mug rug is 7″ by 7″, perfect for a cup and a biscuit.

Third, is a little Amigurumi frog named Fergal. He loves to look out of the window and watch the flies but is just as happy holding your pins (with his head…).

Interested? Leave a comment on this post telling me about some handy tip, cooking, sewing, knitting, gardening anything that makes your life easier. My best tip? Use a rubber glove to get dog and cat hair out of carpets easily. This is especially handy on stairs as you get into the corners much better than with a dustpan and brush. Just rub your hand over the carpet, the hair will stick to your glove and turn into this dust bunny thingy (I have no idea what it’s called in English, sorry!).

Giveaway is open till Sunday, 6th November 2011 and it’s open to everyone. I will draw a winner at 10am Greenwich time, so make your sure you comment before then. Please make sure I can contact you to ask for your address.

Good Luck!

5 thoughts on “Giveaway!

  1. Oh what a lovely giveaway! Blogtoberfest was fun wasn’t it (and a HUGE challenge) I have new found respect for those who churn out quality blog posts day in day out…
    Fergal is so cute!

  2. I’d love them.

    I can give the materials to my wife who’s a nutter for such things and I can keep the frog cos I love him and there used to be one of him in my house but he’s mysteriously disappeared….

    My top tip: A lovely picture at the front of your blog is an eye catching thing… half a picture looks ugly


    Now when I win, you’re inevitably going to hear cries of “Fix!” 😀

  3. Awww, little Fergal says he wants to hop into my home, as he’s already hopped into my heart!

    What’s my tip that makes life easier? Actually, removing clothes from the dryer immediately may not sound like much of a tip, but you can save yourself lots of time because you don’t have to iron.

    And for the sewing room, if you label what kind of stabilizer it is, either with a pinned note, or writing it directly on the stabilizer, you won’t have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out if it’s just the one you need or something else. Yeah, I really have to remember to do this!!

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