A Conundrum

As reported earlier the hexagons have taken over. It’s quite funny as I only wanted a small project until the fabric for my English paper pieced octagons arrived. Well, it has but I’m so in love with my hexies that I can’t stop right now.

The side of each hexagon is 2 cm long (about 3/4″) and I’ve only used scraps from my scrap bin. However, I’m not quite sure how to sew them together. I’ve auditioned a few ideas and I think I know now where this project is heading.

First, the flower option.

Second, the rainbow.

Last but not least, the stripes (in rainbow colours).

Right now I like the last option best. My problem is that I haven’t got enough yellows, oranges and reds. Especially the reds are a problem and I might have to actually go and buy some fabric before I can finish this project.

What do you think? Flowers, rainbows or stripes? Or maybe something altogether different? Help!

The weather has been so beautiful here in Cambridgeshire that we had to come in from the garden this afternoon. It was too hot! I hope you have lovely weather wherever you are in the world.

Growing Tulips

After finishing my Tumbling Blocks cushion I decided I wanted another English Paper Piecing project to take with me when we go on holiday to Ireland next month. I know what I’m going to make but I have to order some fabric before I can start cutting. It’s going to be very colourful and involve some octagons. Once my delivery arrives I’ll show you a sneak peak.

When thinking about which shape to choose next I started wondering about curves. Was it possible to do curves? Then I remembered that I had seen an apple core pillow in the last issue of Fat Quarterly. However, being me I didn’t go for apple cores but a tulip. Tulips are one of my favourite flowers and I had them in my wedding bouquet. I knew it would be a challenge but I had a great time looking for some inspiration and fell in love with a stained glass window (silly me didn’t write down the link but if I find it again I will – it’s gorgeous). Out came the sketch pad, pencil and eraser and off I went. I had to make sure the curves weren’t too round and the corners too narrow. A couple of sketches ended up in the bin but I got there in the end.

Now that I look at it all finished I’m not sure it really looks like a tulip. What do you think? I had a few problems on the way and the biggest one was the Essex linen I chose for the background. It’s a bit thicker than the quilting cotton which meant that the corners didn’t always meet and I had to jiggle things about a bit. Next time I will use the same fabric for the piecing and maybe use some linen to sash the piece.

It’s still pretty and I’m going to turn it into a zippered pouch for my future EPP projects. First, however I have to finish an apron for a little girl. I can’t show it to you yet, as I’m not sure whether her mother reads this blog or not.


Here it is:

I’m a bit sad as I didn’t have an insert in the right size. This one is an 18″ one that I pinched out of Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ Tumbler Cushion and it’s definitely too big. Poor cushion cover is bursting at the seams. However, I will wash the cover, get a 16″ insert this weekend and then just enjoy looking at it.

On. My. Bed.

Have a lovely weekend!


English Paper Piecing (EPP) is something I have seen but never tried. However Katy from I’m a Ginger Monkey (I know, I know, she’s mentioned on this blog every few minutes… I admit it, I find her incredibly inspirational) has been very busy paper piecing the most wonderful cushion covers and quilts.

Curious I went on the hunt for some nice shapes to try out EPP and found the tumbling block. It makes a lovely star shape when sewn together and that is what I did. I didn’t like it. I probably would have loved it if I had done it scrappy but I did it all pink and as I looked at it I felt bored and uninspired.

Out came the seam ripper and the star was no more. I then started playing with the shapes and colours until I found a pattern I liked. Sorry about the bad pictures but they were taken late at night on Instagram.

Next I decided to add some white in the centre and also use the white to frame all the blocks.

I’ve been sewing together my tumbling blocks every time I have a spare moment and the project is growing rapidly. This is going to be a cushion cover and it’s going to be mine. Little Miss Bossy-Boots has tried to claim it but this time I’m not giving in. Hands off, it’s mine! Mine!