Teacher Gifts

I have had an absolutely fabulous time at the Fat Quarterly Retreat and I will get round to writing a post about it very soon but first I would like to show you some mug rugs I made as teacher gifts for Little Miss Bossy-Boots’ teachers and teaching assistants.

A little while ago I bought ‘25 Patchwork Quilt Blocks‘ by Katy Jones of Monkey Do fame. For Christmas I gave all the teachers a fabric bucket filled with chocolate, this year I decided to make them mug rugs. I was a bit too quick wrapping them all up so I only have these Instagram pictures to show you.

Mug Rugs I

Mug Rug IIThe mug rugs are all made with scraps and some Kona Snow or Sketch in Mist. As always I pieced and quilted them with my trusty Aurifil 50 wt. Because I didn’t have that much time I kept the quilting to a minimum, simply echoing some of the shapes.

I added some tea and biscuits in the bag but didn’t actually have the time to get them a mug (that’s what you get when you organise presents at the last minute because you go gallivanting in London). Hopefully they get some mugs from one of the other children.


Teacher Gifts

I admit it, I struggle with teacher gifts. I never know what to give them, after all how many pencils, fridge magnets or bits and bobs with “Best Teacher” on them do those poor teachers need? This year I decided on chocolates as I’m fairly sure that you can never have too many chocolates. However, I’ve decided to put them in some lovely fabric baskets.

Fabric baskets

I cut four charms into 2,5″ squares and used one for each basket. The charms are all from the Japanese Charm Swap and I picked out the ones which had a food theme: strawberries, cakes and baking implements. The main fabric is Essex linen and the lining is some Kona in Robin Egg.

I can see lots of these fabric baskets in my future as I’m just totally in love with them and I can see so many different uses for them. First I’m going to make one for my sister-in-law for Christmas which I will fill with some candles and nice-smelling body lotion. Then I’m going to make one as a thread catcher for when I’m hand sewing. At the moment I’m using a yogurt pot….