October Row

I’m so sorry for the delay in posting the October templates. Life is being life.

Here they are:

October 1

October 2

October 3

I’ve been busy crocheting rather than sewing. I’m still hoping to finish this crochet blanket till Christmas. I don’t think I’ll manage but it’s fun to try.

As I have problems with the joints in my fingers (mostly my thumbs but the others are acting up too) I have to modify my crochet hooks. I usually just grab some Fimo clay, make a sausage and stuff my hook in it to give me a better grip. This time I tried to make flowers to decorate my crochet hook. It wasn’t all that successful but I still like it.

Right, I’m off to crochet a few more flowers.

Happy sewing!

September Row


I’m just back from the Land of LobNobs*, aka Norway.


The picture above was taken on one of the only dry afternoons. I had a wonderful, albeit wet, holiday where I did absolutely no sewing whatsoever. I’m still confused as I did bring my usual EPP project that I like to work on when I’m there but this year it never came out. Instead I did lots of crochet and some reading. I also received a beautiful puzzle from a friend of mine which I brought with me and finished really quickly. So I went and bought another one.

I crocheted two hats. The pattern is The CableOpticCrochetHat by Anna from Crafty Owl and I fell in love with it the second I saw it on Etsy. Sadly the first hat turned out to be too big but I refused to give up and went to the wool shop and bought more wool for take two. This blue hat was given to my mother as her head is a little bigger than mine. I then crocheted a green hat for myself but haven’t got a picture of it yet as I’m still debating whether I should add a pompom or not.


Right, the September templates. Here they are:

September 1

September 2

September 3

September 4

The September 4 templates are marked, so that it’s easy to know where they go.

Happy sewing!


*LobNobs are pretend bits of lobster. Their name makes me giggle every time I buy them. They’re rather tasty in my humble opinion.

August Row

I’m still trying to catch up with my own Block of the Month, which makes me feel slightly bad. Only slightly, though, as I’ve learned that the more pressure I put on my self the less I get done. So my mantra these last couple of years has been ‘I’ll get to it when it’s the right time to do it’ and it’s helped me tremendously with my anxiety.

This little miss is making it slightly more difficult to sew but as she makes my life so much better I don’t really mind.

You’re not here to listen to my psychobabble, I’m sure, so without much further ado here are the August templates:

August 1

August 2

August 3

I normally print out my templates to check the size but my printer sadly refuses to print at the moment. So please let me know if there are any problems with the templates so I can rectify them. They should be fine, I’m probably worrying for nothing.

Happy sewing!

Crochet Heaven

Although my first love is definitely sewing and quilting, I can’t resist soft squishy wool and a crochet hook.

I’ve been crocheting with a friend via Skype most weekends since last winter to make a granny squares blanket. It’s slow progress as I only crochet with her, managing three or four granny squares per session. As the social aspect is just as important to me as the progress, I’m not in a rush. The blanket will be finished when it’s finished.

A friend of ours showed us a picture of a pretty flower blanket and wondered if this could be something for us once the granny squares blankets were done. We suggested that she should join us in the crocheting seeing that she really loved the blanket. Well she took on the challenge and we are now four women crocheting the flower blanket as her sister has also joined our little group.

We couldn’t find the pattern for the blanket so I designed a flower and after a few failed attempts we are now ready to crochet. I’ve let my daughter choose the yarn and the colours as the blanket is for her. I couldn’t wait and have started on the blanket. As my yarn is thinner than the one the others are using I will have to make quite a few more flowers so I don’t feel too guilty for sneaking in a few crocheting sessions on my own. I’m using Merino 150 by Lang Yarns in some lovely pastel colours.

I made a video for the group as a reminder on how to crochet the flowers in case they want to do some crocheting on their own. It was the first video tutorial I’ve ever made and I really enjoyed filming it. I had to laugh though as I heard some rather heavy breathing and sighing on there every now and again. You could’ve thought that I was running and crocheting at the same time.

If there’s any interest in the blanket I’m happy to post a pattern at a later stage.


July Row

Hello, hello!

Another month has passed and I’m still working on my March row. As our summer holiday is fast approaching I’m hoping to get more done and will do my utmost to catch up with my sewing.

However, I’ve been naughty and have started a new crochet project. Three friends of mine have asked me to design a flowery crochet blanket. One of the girls saw a beautiful crochet blanket but we couldn’t find a pattern for it so designed a similar one. I’m making mine for my daughter and she’s picked lots of lovely pastel colours:

I’ve made a start and the blanket will look very soft and delicate. I’ll show you my progress in a separate blog post as I’m really pleased with both the design and the wool.

Here are the templates for the July row of the block of the month:

July 1

July 2

July 3

Happy sewing!

June Row

Hello, hello!

Happy to see you here. I’ve no BOM sewing progress to report, meaning I’m still stuck on the March row. I can, however, report that my gorgeous cat Flynn is recovering well. He’s always hungry and slowly putting on weight. He loves to play and run around the flat like a madman again. I’m really happy and I hope he will continue to do well and recover completely.

I have been sewing a little bit. My former boss retired this week and is now off to Norway in her camper van for two months. So my colleague and I decided to buy her some goodies to take with her: a book, a crossword puzzle, mosquito repellent etc. I then made her a big pouch to put everything in.


Right, here are the templates for the June row:

June 1

June 2

June 3

Happy sewing!


May Row

First of all, I have to apologise for disappearing and not posting the May templates earlier. Work has been very busy but mostly it’s been a difficult time for me as my gorgeous cat Flynn Curlytail is very poorly. As I’m writing this post he is at the animal hospital in Bern. We still don’t know exactly what’s wrong with him but all the options are scary to say the least. He turned three last Friday (the day he was admitted to the hospital) and I really don’t want to lose him. He is the sweetest cat: loving, funny and clumsy. He finds the weirdest places to sleep in and loves his food.

Right, now to get to the templates. Here are the templates for the May row:

May 1

May 2

May 3

Happy sewing!


April Row

Hello, hello!

Are you ready for the next row of this Block of the Month? I’m still running behind. I’ve only just finished the February row this morning… I was really stressed out about it for a while but then realised that it’s all good. We sew because we enjoy it and we’ll finish our projects when we finish them. I might be able to catch up this month or I may not. I’m going to try but if I’m still behind at the end of the month then that’s ok with me.

As you can see Olive has been helping me.

Right, without much further ado. Here are the templates for this month’s row:

April 1

April 2

April 3

April 4

Number four are the ‘connectors’ between the other blocks. The whole block was basically too big to fit on one page so I had to add another page to the templates. There are lines to show you where the templates go.

If you have any problems, please let me know and I’ll do my best to solve them.

Happy sewing!


I’m still running behind on my Block of the Month. Work has been hectic and when I haven’t been working I’ve been sleeping, eating or cleaning. At least that’s what it feels like. I’m almost finished with the February row and I’m looking forward to adding the March row. Which might be some time in April, if I don’t get to do a lot of sewing over the Easter holiday.


I was rather worried for a little while as I didn’t like what I’d done but after a few fabric switches, I’m pleased with my first two rows. I’m slowly adding some blue to the pinks, turquoises and greens. The grey and white stripe will be used as a kind of background to let the eye rest between all the different prints and colours. I might use a solid or two but am still on the fence about it. How is your version of this quilt going?

Happy sewing!

March Row

Hello, hello

Ready for the March row? I’m not. I’ve started a new job and am continuing in my old on this month so my days are full and I have hardly any sewing time. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish the February blocks this week as I’m excited to start on this new row.

Right, here are the templates:

March 1

March 2

March 3

I really hope you’re enjoying this quilt as much as I am. This is a picture of my January row. I’d love to show you my progress but as that is minimal at the moment I’ll wait till next time.


Please let me know if you have any problems downloading the templates. I’ve been asked whether I would consider sending the templates by email. Of course I would. So if you’d like to receive the templates directly in your inbox, send me an email or add a comment to this post and I’ll put you on the list.

Happy sewing!