Wonky Princess Bee

Hello again, I decided to seize the fact that mojo was lurking in a corner and started on my wonky stars again. Stellar is the wonderful pattern some of the Sew Solids Crew Stash Club are using for the Sew Solids Quilt-Along. You can see the posts about my first stars here and here. Because I was lagging behind I had two colours to sew stars from, pink and blue. To be honest the most difficult part of this sew-along is pairing up the colours to get enough contrast between the star and the background.

Stellar Sew-AlongDon’t look too closely please. The blocks have lots of stray threads hanging off them and my floor is…. let’s just say it needs a good clean. This quilt is definitely going to be colourful and I’m not sure how much I like it yet.

Something I love, however, is the fabric that arrived today from Simply Solids. I know a lot of people prefer prints to solids but I really enjoy working with solids.

SolidsNext month it’s my turn to be the Princess Bee of the Sew-Euro-Bee-ans. For a long time I didn’t know what to ask for but then I decided to go for colour rather than block. This means that my fellow bees are allowed to make any block they like, in any size they want to make (I’m sure I’ll regret that decision later) and with any extra scraps (solids or prints)  they want/need. I’m only asking them to stick to this colour palette. I would like the blocks to be something they enjoy making and that, I suppose, therefore represents them.  Now that the fabric has arrived I’m really excited about sending it out to everyone.

It’s good to have you back, mojo.



Stellar Update

Hello! This week a lovely orange bundle of six fat quarters arrived on my doorstep, courtesy of the Simply Solids Crew Stash Club. I was feeling a little bit low due to missing a lovely meal in a lovely restaurant on Sunday so decided to cut into it straightaway. You might wonder what a meal has to do with sewing and the answer to that is…nothing. Sewing does cheer me up, though, so that was good enough for me to get the rotary cutter out instead of the duster and hoover.

Stellar OrangeA couple of hours later I had three bright orange stars to cheer me up. As mentioned before Stellar is a great free pattern on the Simply Solids website and although it was designed for the quilt-along I’m sure it would look just as great in patterned fabric or a combination of the two. I love making these stars and can’t wait for the March bundle.

Stellar PhotobombI think Charlie likes the stars too.



Stellar Fun

Just before Christmas I signed up for the Simply Solids Sew Solids Crew Stash Club and thus became a Sew Solids Crew member. There are different options on how much fabric you want to add to your stash and I went for six fat quarters. Duly, six lovely purple fat quarters arrived on my doorstep in December, which I cut into straightaway to use as binding for my Mindless Flannel quilt.

Purple Stack

This month six yummy green fat quarters arrived. My favourite colour is green but, to be honest, I wouldn’t have ordered most of the greens that arrived. Now that I have them, however, I’m in love with them all. The colours are from top to bottom: Peridot, Holly, Candy Green, Avocado, Olive and Ice Frappe.

Green Stack

Justine from Simply Solids is a very clever (and lovely) girl and initiated a fun quilt-along. Stellar is a free downloadable pattern by (the equally lovely) Laura Jane Taylor from Needles, Pins and Baking Tins and was especially designed for the Sew Solids Crew Stash Club (quite a mouth full, I have to say, maybe I should call it the SSCSC?). The pattern consists of wonky stars, something I’ve always wanted to try.

Green Wonky Stars

Wonky sewing is not in my nature and I seem to have to work really hard on breathing and relaxing. The first star was the most difficult and I realised once I’d finished it that I was going to cut off three of the points when I sewed the sashing on. I was awake half the night wondering if I should start again but in the end decided not to. Wonky stars with missing points? Hurrah, for giving up control!

I’ve now gone back to the purples for December and they’re all cut and ready to be sewn when I can sneak in a little sewing. First, however, I have to clean the fish tank.